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CPD COURSE 12: DentAlliance - From Access to Apex; Current Concepts in Contemporary Endodontics - Thursday 25 September 2025

Thursday 25 September 2025

Sold by: Melbourne Dental School
Phone Number: 13 MELB (13 6352)
Instructions: For product specific queries, contact the above email address

DentAlliance is a collaboration of four prestigious dental schools with each bringing their world-leading expertise to enhance professional practice in dentistry. Together, we present a program that delivers global insights into contemporary trends in clinical dentistry and future perspectives.

This exciting blended learning program features engaging content, practical case studies, hands-on training, and clinical insights from a range of experts. The program will feature exclusive access to a series of online webinars and face-to face clinical workshops held at each of the partner universities, offering the following:

  • Six, pre-recorded on line lectures
  • Full day face-to-face workshop (20 places)

Course Aims and Objectives:

  • Inform participants of contemporary endodontic concepts and philosophies.
  • Introduce participants to international views and opinions in endodontics.
  • Guide participants through key elements of the journey from access cavity preparation, to the management of root canal complexities, and restoration of the endodontically treated tooth.
  • Provide participants with a hands-on experience with various root canal instrumentation concepts and techniques.
  • Learn advanced methods of root canal preparation with rotary and reciprocating systems.
  • Practise with heat-treated NiTi systems.
  • Learn advanced concepts of root canal filling using thermoplastic techniques.
  • At each university’s laboratory component, participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and clarify concepts discussed in the online lectures.
  • The opportunity to engage with dental trade representatives and their range of endodontic products.

Program Delivery:

Blended learning program where enrolling participants can choose either:

  • Online only component consisting of six pre-recorded online lectures
  • Online lectures and Hands-on Pre-clinical lab session to be held on Thursday 25 September 2025 (8.00am registration for 8.15am start and 5.00pm finish) at the Melbourne Dental School, Ground Floor Preclinical Laboratory, 723 Swanston Street, Carlton Vic 3053.
    • Please note: the hands-on sessions are limited to 20 places only and participants enrolled in these sessions, must complete the online component before attending the session on Thursday 25 September.


  • Online only webinars $500 (inc gst)
  • Online and hands-on sessions $1,540 (inc gst)

Please note:

  • Candidates enrolling in the full course (both the online and hands-on component) will be given access to the online lectures provided by the University of Melbourne presenters now.
  • Further access to the International online content will be provided to enrolling participants at the end of July.


CPD Credit:

  • Online only component -  4.5 hours of scientific CPD hours
  • Online and hands-on component - 11.5 scientific CPD hours


Dr Francis Chan

University of Melbourne

Dental dam, access, and intracanal medicaments. 

Route to the root and beyond – Navigating endodontic access and selection of intracanal medicaments.

An appropriate endodontic access lays the foundations for the subsequent steps in endodontic treatment. This lecture will discuss the rationale and evidence of various types of endodontic access cavity designs, and highlight common pitfalls. It will also explore commonly used intracanal medicaments and their indications.

Professor Peter Parashos

University of Melbourne

Rotary NiTi Instrumentation – Principles and Practical Considerations

Rotary NiTi Instrumentation – Principles and Practical Considerations

This lecture will describe the biological basis for root canal instrumentation and practical aspects that should be considered.

Dr Ode Wataru

National University of Singapore

Endodontic Irrigants

Penetrating Deep into the Chemical Significance of Endodontic Irrigants

This lecture will highlight the indispensable role of root canal irrigation, emphasising its equal importance alongside the mechanical aspect of debridement. Our aim is to explore the biological underpinnings and multifaceted functions of endodontic irrigants, with a focus on microbial eradication, debris dissolution, and delivery methods. Discussions will encompass potential complications, activation methods, and future innovations, underscoring the paramount importance of chemical dynamics in comprehensive endodontic debridement.

Dr Victoria Yu

National University of Singapore


Filling the root canal system for a predictable treatment outcome

Following an optimal access, debridement, and disinfection of the root canal system, we aim to fill this space 3-dimensionally with close adaptation of the filling material to dentinal walls. This lecture will examine traditional concepts and evaluate contemporary techniques and materials, to propose a strategy to achieve predictable treatment outcome for our patients.

Professor Francesco Mannocci

Kings College, London

Root canal systems and irrigation

Understanding the root canal system: how to make difficult root canal treatments simple. 

The understanding of the complexity of the root canal system is essential for the correct planning of endodontic treatments, this lecture will show how to use Periapical Radiographs and Cone Beam Computed Tomography  

to help in the detection of, and access to difficult root canals including calcified canals, MB2s, isthmuses, lingual canals of mandibular incisors and how to use this information to choose the appropriate rotary files and irrigation techniques for the preparation and disinfection of challenging root canals.

Mr Noshad Rahim

Kings College, London

Restoration of Endodontically Treated Teeth

Contemporary conservative options for restoring an endodontically treated tooth with emphasis on digital endodontics and preservation of tooth.

The final act of the technical aspect of root canal treatment is restoring the tooth to limit coronal leakage and to return the tooth to its proper form, function and aesthetics.  The remaining structural integrity of the endodontically treated tooth has been established to be a key marker for its survival. Hence with the advances in resin adhesives and tooth-coloured restorative materials, there is less reliance on retentive and resistance features of tooth preparation and more on bonding and preservation of the tooth especially enamel and the peri cervical dentine. This lecture will discuss concepts reflecting a conservative restorative approach retaining as much natural tooth structure as possible and its impact on endodontic and restorative outcomes.

Professor Peter Parashos BDSc, LDS, MDSc, PhD, FRACDS, FACD, FICD, MRACDS (Endo), FIADT graduated from the University of Melbourne in 1980 and obtained his MDSc in 1989 and PhD in 2004. He is a fellow of the Royal Australasian of College of Dental Surgeons, the American College of Dentists, the International College of Dentists, and Foundation Fellow of the International Association for Dental Traumatology. He was the Chair of Endodontics, Convenor of Postgraduate Endodontics and Head of Restorative Dentistry at the University of Melbourne until 2021. He has an extensive background in private Endodontic practice and is actively involved in CPD programmes in endodontics. He has published some 140 papers in peer-reviewed international journals including 2 book chapters. His main current role is as Acting Convenor of Postgraduate Endodontics at the University of Melbourne.


Dr Francis Chan BDSc (Hons), DCD (Endo) Melb, FRACDS (GDP) graduated with a Bachelor of Dental Science with Honours and a Doctor of Dental Surgery in Endodontics from the University of Melbourne. During his studies, he was awarded the Royal Australian College of Dental Surgeons (RACDS) prize for the highest aggregate clinical marks. He has also passed his RACDS primaries examination where he achieved the highest marks in Microbiology and subsequently attained RACDS Fellowship in General Dental Practice. Francis is one of the endodontic component convenors for the Doctor of Dental Surgery students at the University of Melbourne, and also works in private endodontic practice. He serves as a committee member and minutes secretary for the Australian Society of Endodontology Victorian Branch, and is the current treasurer of the Asian Pacific Endodontic Confederation.

Dr Ode Wataru BDS (Singapore) NUS, MDS Endodontics (Singapre) NUS, RCS Edinburgh obtained his Bachelor of Dental Surgery at the National University of Singapore (NUS) in 2009. He received the NUHS Academic Medicine Development Award to pursue his Master of Dental Surgery (Endodontics) from NUS and obtained membership from the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh in 2016. He has been certified as an accredited specialist in Endodontics with the Singapore Dental Council since 2019.  At present, he is a Consultant in Endodontics and holds the position of Head of the Division of Endodontics at the National University Centre for Oral Health Singapore (NUCOHS). He is also the Director of the Office of Continuing Education, NUCOHS and concurrently holds the positions of Assistant Professor of Endodontics and Assistant Dean (Lifelong Learning) in the Faculty of Dentistry, NUS. He is heavily involved in undergraduate and postgraduate education and spearheads the continuing education initiatives of the NUCOHS and the Faculty.


Associate Professor Victoria Yu PhD (NUS), MSc (Distinction Endo) Uni of London, BDS (NUS) is Associate Professor of Endodontics in the National University of Singapore (NUS) and Senior Consultant in the National University Healthcare System (NUHS). She received her BDS and PhD from NUS and the Master of Science in Endodontics (MSc with Distinction) from the University of London, UK. Victoria teaches endodontics in the undergraduate curriculum and is the programme director of the postgraduate Master of Dental Surgery in Endodontics in NUS. As a clinical researcher, Victoria works with scientists to find innovative solutions to endodontic problems. Her team is actively studying pulpotomy as a definitive alternative to conventional endodontic treatment and is interested in disruptive technology to protect and preserve the permanent dentition. 

Professor Francesco Mannocci  (MD, DDS, PhD, FHEA) is a Specialist in Endodontics and Restorative Dentistry. He obtained his MD (Pisa, Italy, 1986) and DDS (Pisa, 1990) in Italy, and his PhD in Clinical Dentistry from King's College London in 2001. After having worked in private practice in Pisa for 18 years while collaborating with the University of Siena as a Visiting Professor he became Lecturer in Endodontology at King's College London in 2004, Senior lecturer/Honorary Consultant in 2006, Head of Endodontology in 2008, and Professor of Endodontology at King’s College London in 2011. He has authored more than 150 papers in international peer reviewed journals, he is Associate Editor of the International Endodontic Journal and Past President of the British Endodontic society. Prof Mannocci has done research work on subjects  including restoration of endodontically treated teeth, instrumentation techniques, dental anatom, histology, endodontic radiology and endodontic microbiology. Prof /Mannocci maintains a private practice limited to Endodontics in Central London.

Mr Noushad Rahim BDS, MDS (Endo), MJDF RCS, MFGDP UK, PhD After graduating with a Master’s degree in Endodontics from Manipal University in India, Noushad worked as an endodontist in United Arab Emirates and was the course co-ordinator for Clinical Endodontics at Ajman University. He recently completed a PhD in clinical endodontics and restorative dentistry from King’s College, London, his work being recognised with awards from both the British Society of Prosthodontics and the British Endodontic Society. He currently teaches for the MSc programme at Kings College London and is a clinical lecturer in endodontics at Cardiff University. He also works in private practice limited to endodontics.


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