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Take Note: Interviews with Australian Composers (free downloadable pdf)

Edited by Madeline Roycroft, a a fascinating collection of interviews dating from 1996 to 2021. Click 'Add to cart' to download.

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What is the creative process? Is there an Australian voice? What place is there for tonality in music of this century? How does the performer contribute to the realisation of new music? These and many other questions relating to composition, its philosophy and individual works are answered by nineteen Australian composers in a fascinating collection of interviews dating from 1996 to 2021. Composers in the spotlight are: Larry Sitsky, Elena Kats-Chernin, Chris Dench, Julian Yu, Brenton Broadstock, Richard Mills, Nigel Westlake, Neil Kelly, Carl Vine, Elliott Gyger, Joseph Twist, Felicity Wilcox, Gordon Kerry, Liza Lim, Linda Kouvaras, Helen Gifford, Paul Stanhope, Stuart Greenbaum and Melody Eötvös.  



1. “Getting my hands dirty”: Larry Sitsky in Interview (Patricia Shaw)

2. “A never-ending search for a sound nobody has ever heard”: An Interview with Elena Kats-Chernin (Patricia Shaw)

3. Discontinuous Dialogues: Chris Dench in Conversation with Bruce Petherick (Chris Dench)

4. Against the Tide: Julian Yu and the “New Wave” of Chinese Music (Martin Greet)

5. Illuminating the Dark Side: An Interview with Brenton Broadstock (Linda Kouvaras)

6. Whipping Up a Storm—Composing Batavia: An Interview with Richard Mills (Anna Goldsworthy)

7. Collaboration in Creation: An Interview with Nigel Westlake (Jillian Graham)

8. Teetering on the Brink of Tonality: An Interview with Neil Kelly (Wez Prictor)

9. Compositional Credos and Performance Perspectives: An Interview with Carl Vine (David Pereira)

10. Drawing Together Strands of Influence: An Interview with Elliott Gyger (Stuart Greenbaum)

11. Eclectic Experience—Eclectic Style: An Interview with Joseph Twist (Peter Campbell)

12. “The music is dancing free”: An Interview with Felicity Wilcox (Kat Nelligan)

13. “Where words cannot reach”: An Interview with Gordon Kerry (James Wade)

14. The World Turned Upside Down: An Interview with Elliott Gyger (Andrew Aronowicz)

15. The Ecology of Collaboration: An Interview with Liza Lim (Madeline Roycroft)

16. Products of Our Own Histories: An Interview with Linda Kouvaras (Maurice Windleburn)

17. A Brain That Keeps Working: An Interview with Helen Gifford (Jaslyn Robertson)

18. A Collage of Remembrance: An Interview with Paul Stanhope (Philip Eames)

19. Twenty Sonatas in Twenty Years: An Interview with Stuart Greenbaum (Laura Abraham and Robert McIntyre)

20. Ruling the Hive: An Interview with Melody Eötvös (Simone Maurer)

December 2021 | viii, 206 p., ill. |  ISBN: 9780734037961 (ebook: pdf). Free.