Sponsorship for the Academic Unit for Psychiatry of Old Age (AUPOA) 29th Annual Symposium, 2024
Embracing Complexity in a Changing World: Innovation, Preventions & Care for Ageing Communities
Wednesday 16 October 2024
The Academic Unit for Psychiatry of Old Age (AUPOA) is part of the Melbourne Medical School’s Department of Psychiatry, within the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry & Health Sciences at The University of Melbourne, and is closely affiliated with the Royal Melbourne Hospital and St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne. The AUPOA team is delighted to return to full-day event this year, for our 29th Annual Symposium. Our multidisciplinary group of speakers include representation from psychiatry, psychology, lived experience workforce, nursing and neuroscience research, and cuts across University, Health Services, Government and Non-Government sectors.
Emeritus Prof David Ames AO will discuss updates from the Lancet Commission on Dementia Prevention, Intervention and Care. Dr Emma Radford from the Royal Melbourne Hospital will share her expertise about autism in ageing, and Dr Zoe Cousins from Forensicare will speak about the current state of affairs in Victoria’s custodial settings in relation to dementia and violence risk. A/Prof Sjaan Koppel from Monash University will provide important information on driving and ageing, and A/Prof Samantha Loi from The University of Melbourne will discuss public mental health services and dementia in younger people.
We will hear exciting updates from Justine Lomas from Deakin University about BrainTrack- an app that monitors changes in cognition over time. BrainTrack is an initiative of Dementia Australia and is funded by the Australian Government. Associate Professor Kathryn Ellis will provide an update about the EXCEL Study and exercising for cognitive health, and Prof Nicola Lautenschlager about a new remotely conducted MRFF-funded multidomain lifestyle intervention, called CogCoach-Health. Associate Professor Mahesh Jayaram from The University of Melbourne will share new insights into pharmacological treatments for schizophrenia. The National Disability Insurance Agency’s (NDIA) Angeline Kuek will explain what the NDIS reform might mean for ageing consumers. Tanya Cottrell and Katherine Quin from St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne will share an update about the innovative Healthy Ageing Service.
The symposium is suitable for professionals who are passionate about mental health and wellbeing, healthy ageing and aged care, as well as for those undertaking research and education in aged cognitive & mental health, aged care, neurosciences and related areas.
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