Store Policies

Student Conduct Report (Law students)

A Student Conduct Report is required for Law graduates who are applying to the Victorian Legal Admissions Board for Admission by the Supreme Court of Victora to Practice in the legal profession in Australia as an Australian lawyer.

Please use the following link to download the form: Microsoft Word - Academic Conduct -UoM Consent form-29 April 2009.doc (

Please note that you cannot order this product on behalf of someone else.

In stock

Compatible file extensions to upload: doc, docx, png, jpg, pdf

Compatible file extensions to upload: doc, docx, jpg, pdf, png

Sold by: Academic Records
Phone Number: 13 MELB (136352) International +61 3 9035 5511

Please refer to the Instructions here.

If you are a University of Melbourne Laws graduate seeking Admission to the Supreme Court of Victoria to Practice as an Australian lawyer, you will require a Student Conduct Report (SCR) as to any disciplinary matters in the course of those studies.  The report is required under the Legal Profession Uniform Law Application Act 2014 (Vic) (No. 17 of 2014) and the Legal Profession (Admission) Rules 2015; rule 19.  

The cost of the Student Conduct Report is $66.00 (the price includes an academic transcript)

Further information can be found at the Victorian Legal Admissions Board (VLAB) website for Law Admission information:


Please remember to upload your Consent form because this gives your authority for the University to access your academic records to use in preparation for your Student Conduct Report and the report direct to the Victorian Legal Admissions Board (VLAB).

[After you press upload please wait until you receive the message that the upload was successful.]

The University will send you a confirmation email when your report has been completed and forwarded to VLAB.


  • The University of Melbourne transmit a digital copy of your Student Conduct Report with your academic transcript direct to the Victorian Legal Admissions Board (VLAB), and,
  • A copy of your report with your academic transcript will be emailed to you for your records.

For current turnaroud times go to Academic Statements ( .






Delivery Information
Pick Up
This item will be available for collection via Academic Records at This will be sent to VLAB and a copy of your transcript will be uploaded to MyeQuals