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kNOwVAWdata Training Program (Full Course)

The kNOwVAWdata course provides the depth and breadth of knowledge required to conduct rigorous and ethical prevalence surveys and other research on violence against women. The course leads to improved data literacy for overall measurement and use of data on violence against women (VAW). For further information see

Sold by: Mobile Learning Unit
Phone Number: 13 MELB (13 6352)
Instructions: For product specific queries, contact the above email address

Those wanting to complete the full kNOwVAWdata course, and achieve the kNOwVAWdata Professional Development Certificate, will need to complete all four kNOwVAWdata online subjects.

In this course, you will study:

  • Subject 1: Gender Awareness (this is a pre-requisite for all subjects 2-4)
  • Subject 2: Introduction to Researching Violence Against Women
  • Subject 3: Working with prevalence data and other quantitative measurement of VAW
  • Subject 4: From Data to Action: Interpreting and Reporting on VAW for Policy and Practice