Store Policies

Verification of Qualification letter (Request from a Third Party) - Hardcopy

A product for any third party seeking to verify the qualifications, or other enrolment details or eductational credentials, of current or former students. 

If your delivery address is overseas, please ensure that it is written using the English (Latin) alphabet.  This is in accordance with international postal conventions.

Note also that you must have express written consent from the student or alumnus.  Please submit a signed and dated consent form from the student, or alumnus, releasing their academic record to your organisation along with their photo ID for verification.   

This product can also be used to verify the authenticity of a document supplied to a thrid party by a student or alumnus.



In stock
VQ - Hardcopy

Compatible file extensions to upload: pdf, png, jpg, gif

Compatible file extensions to upload: png, jpg, gif, pdf, docx

Sold by: Academic Records
Phone Number: 13 MELB (136352) International +61 3 9035 5511

Please refer to the Instructions here.

A third party (eg an Employment Agency or educational accreditation organisation) who requires the verification or accredition of qualifications or educational credentials of a student or alumnus; may order a Verification of Qualification  when the free online service for graduates has been unsuccessful or they require further information. Important note: The University can only provide additional information regarding a student’s record to a third party where the following is received, as per the University of Melbourne Privacy Policy (MPF1104):

  • the student’s name and date of birth, and,
  • to upload the following support documentation:  
    1. the signed consent/authority of the student to release his or her academic records, and
    2. a scanned photo-copy of their personal ID (driver’s licence or passport) showing their signature.
If you have any questions, please contact the University of Melbourne Contact Centre on 13MELB (136352) or (+61 3) 9035 5511 if located outside Australia.


Delivery Timeframes:

For current turnaroud times go to Academic Statements ( .

Delivery Information

For in-stock items, where shipping applies, you will require to provide your shipping details at the time of checkout to have an accurate delivery estimate. Please allow a minimum of 24 hours to confirm the shipment details.