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Statistics for Research Workers using R and R Markdown

Wednesday, 20 November _27 November 2024 (6 days) Face to faceĀ 

This popular course gives a basic understanding of statistical ideas and methods involved in carrying out research.

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Cancellation fee applies $30

Sold by: Faculty of Science
Phone Number: 03 8344 6995

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Statistical topics covered will include estimation, hypothesis testing, regression and inference based on the normal distribution. This is a six day course, and the timetable is deliberately arranged so that there is a weekend break during the course.

The course covers:

Descriptive statistics; graphs, tables, summary statistics.

Introduction to estimation and confidence intervals.

The normal distribution; means and variances of sums of random variables; the Central Limit Theorem; the normal approximation to the binomial distribution.

Confidence intervals for means and proportions. Introduction to hypothesis testing.

Tests for differences in location between two populations with matched samples: sign test, Wilcoxon signed-rank test, t-test.

The relationship between confidence intervals and hypothesis testing.

Tests for differences in location between two populations with independent samples: t-test. Testing for difference in location of more than two populations.

Analysis of variance (F-test), multiple comparisons.

Two-way classifications: analysis of variance (F-test), interaction.

Determination of sample size. Design of experiments: randomization, blocking, replication, confounding. Standard designs.

Correlation and straight line regression. Multiple regression. Analysis of categorical data; contingency tables.

Please do not use this site if you are paying from internal UOM funds.

Statistical Consulting Centre courses webpage