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LOTE Accreditation Examinations 2025 - ARABIC

The examination for LOTE accreditation (Arabic) is held in June and October each year. In 2025 the exams will be held on Thursday 5 June and Thursday 30 October.

The exam consists of a 1.5 hour written examination and a 20 to 30 minutes oral examination for each candidate. 

Applications close 7 days before the exam. 

Sold by: Faculty of Arts
Phone Number: Please send all enquiries via email
Instructions: For product specific queries, contact the above email address

The examination for LOTE accreditation (Arabic) is held in June and October each year. The 2025 dates are:

Round 1:  Thursday, 5 June 2025 (Applications close on Wednesday, 28 May.)

Round 2:  Thursday, 30 October 2025 (Applications close on Wednesday, 22 October.)


For both rounds:

Time: Written examination: 10.20 am - 12.00 pm. Oral examination: The first candidate will start at 1:00pm, the second at 1:30 pm and so on, depending on the number of candidates.

Venue:  Room 321, Sidney Myer Asia Centre, 761 Swanston Street, Parkville, VIC 3010. See Location Map.


Examination Details

The written and oral assessments are conducted in Modern Standard Arabic (العربيّة الفصحى), not a dialect or other variety of the language.

The examination consists of two parts: written and oral.

The written examination’s duration is 1.5 hours with 10 minutes of reading time. It includes the following:

•    Vocalising (indicating all short vowel signs) in part of an unvocalised Arabic text.

•    Providing explicit syntactical analysis of a number of items in the above text (إعراب ). For this, you need to be thoroughly familiar with concepts such as ​مبتدأ - خبر - فعل - فاعل - مفعول به - حال    etc.

•    Reading an Arabic text (prose or poetry) and responding in Arabic to its contents or answering questions about it or related issues.

•    Writing a piece of 200-250 words in Arabic about a set topic related to some aspect(s) of Arabic literature and/or Arabic language and/or Arab culture. 

The oral assessment’s duration is 20-30 minutes. It includes the following:

•    Talking about various aspects of the candidate’s background.

•    Talking about some aspect of Arabic literature and/or Arab culture.

•    Reading aloud from an unvocalised Arabic text (a text without short vowel signs), then discussing the contents of the text and/or related issues with the examiner. 

Applications and payment must be received no later than 7 days before the examination. Payment is accepted by credit card only.


You may get a full refund if you cancel your exam registration by emailing before the applications closing date.

The credit card charge fee is non-refundable.