Evidence of Qualification letter - Digital
If this is your final semester, please note that we cannot produce an Evidence of Qualifcation letter until your course has been formally completed (which is not the same thing as having your final subject results). For most students completions will be processed progressively up to Results Final Release Date for the semester. Check to see if you have received an email link to your free digital academic transcript, which is sent on course completion. Your transcript should show a completion date.
Evidence of Qualification letters in digital format are available for students and alumni who have completed a course at the University of Melbourne.
Digital documents will be hosted on MyeQuals.
Please note that you cannot order this product on behalf of someone else.
Digital Evidence of Qualification letters are official academic statements available for students who have completed their course.
The letter will state:
- Your Student ID Number,
- your full name as recorded in the student system,
- your date of birth,
- the name of the course (s) you were enrolled in at the University,
- the date (s) you commenced the course (s) at the University,
- the Completion date of each course,
- Honours attained in any course completed,
- the Conferral (graduation) date, if applicable,
- your status as a full-time or part time student,
- the location of the campus,
- the language of instruction was English, and,
- signed by an official representative of the Academic Registrar.
Your digital letter will be uploaded to My eQuals. You will receive an email with a link and instructions on how to access your digital document.
You may request that a .pdf electronic copy of your letter be sent direct to an organisation or other University by direct email from the University of Melbourne.
'Bespoke' Evidence of Qualification letter:
Additional information may be added to your letter. Please use the Special Instructions text box to ask for additional details about your study at the University such as Leave of Absence dates, Academic Calendar dates, Clinical placements or internships, Exchange study details etc.
Free Option
A free digital Evidence of Qualification letter may be generated direct at my.unimelb
The free digital letter is issued automatically within minutes to your email address, however, it will not be uploaded to MyeQuals and there will be no option to include additional text.
For current turnaroud times go to Academic Statements (unimelb.edu.au) .